3D 아바타 크리에이터 무료. Ready Player ME로 무료로 첫 3D 아바타 만들기


메타버스를 위한 전신 캐릭터 생성기. 3D 만들기화신 from a photo and use it in apps and games like VRChat and LIV.

Personal 3D avatars are not just for gamers. As more and more of our day-to-day lives take place digitally, our virtual representations take on increasing importance. We believe that launching our app on Koji furthers the ultimate convergence of the creator economy, the Metaverse, and adjacent technologies like NFTs and blockchain gaming,” said Timmu Tõke, Wolf3D CEO.

Creating and maintaining a consistent identity is top of mind for today’s creators and influencers, most of whom produce content across a variety of platforms.

See the first 3d Avatar I made with Ready Player! Very easy and intuitive!


[3d_viewer id=7]

This is me in reality 😉

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