블렌더의 머리카락 무게 변형. 설정 방법


Tutorial - 머리카락 무게:요청대로, 제가 머리카락에 무게를 두는 법을 어떻게 배웠는지 살펴보겠습니다 ! @qicc​가 나에게 이 방법을 가르쳐 주었기 때문에 모든 공로가 그에게 돌아간다는 점을 언급하고 싶습니다., 그는 진정한 왕이다! 그래서, 더 이상 고민하지 않고, let’s begin :)
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Tutorial – 머리카락 무게:

요청대로, 제가 머리카락에 무게를 두는 법을 어떻게 배웠는지 살펴보겠습니다 ! I would like to mention that@qicc​ taught me this method so all credit goes to him, 그는 진정한 왕이다! 그래서, 더 이상 고민하지 않고, 시작해 볼까요 🙂

* 내 테마의 이미지가 열리지 않으므로 대시보드를 통해 읽는 것이 좋습니다. *

단계 1:


1 – 링크 선택을 사용하여 머리카락과 헤어라인을 분리합니다. (엘) 헤어라인 위에 커서를 올려놓으면. 그 다음에, 키보드에서 P를 눌러 새 레이어로 분리하세요..

2 – 그 다음에, with the main hair highlighted, as pictured, click ‘remove doubles’.

단계 2:


1 – Navigate to the ‘data’ tab.

2 – Click the arrow.

3 – Click ‘delete all groups’.

단계 3:

Save the blender file. 그 다음에, open Blender v2.8+ and navigate to: 파일 – Open, and open the package we just saved.

단계 4:


Once you’ve opened this file, you can delete the hairline.

1 – Click this.

2 – Click this.

그 다음에, append this file.

단계 4.5:


Make sure both meshes have this little cursor highlighted as pictured.

그 다음에, A VERY IMPORTANT STEPleft clickYOURmesh, thenHOLD SHIFT and left click the ‘weight transfer’ mesh.

단계 5:


1 – Change mode from ‘object mode’ to ‘weight paint’.

2 – Click this little ‘weights’ button and hit ‘transfer weights’

단계 5.5:


Click the ‘transfer Mesh Data’ button and set the settings to match these.

단계 6:


Click the ‘weights’ button again, then click ‘smooth’.


Set the ‘smooth’ settings to these.

(Take these settings as a general guide, depending on the hair and its length the iteration may vary)

단계 7:

Save your package and re-open the saved ‘deleted weights’ file.

Deleted the broken weights hair mesh, and append the newly finished weights.

단계 8:


Your hair will mostly look like this when you import it. 그래서, to fix it, jus click these three buttons in order.

단계 9:


지금, we need to fix the head weight because the transfer messes that one up lol.

1 – Click this.

2 – Click “b__Head__”.

3 – Go to the brushes and click the ‘subtract’ brush.


1 – 그 다음에, using these settings, use the ‘weight gradient’ button and drag downwards in the armpit area so the ENTIRE mesh turns blue like so.

단계 10:


Now we need to do the weight gradient for the head weight.

1 – Change the brush to ‘add’ and put it at those settings.

2 – Click ‘weight gradient’.

3 – Drag the gradient downwards, as seen in the photo.

단계 11:


1 – Click this.

2 – Click this.

(When clicking the ‘normalise all’, make sure you are on the “b__Head__” weight.)


After that, re-join the hairline to the mesh, duplicate the mesh two times and order the cuts as 0000, 0001 그리고 0002, then save and import back to s4s!

Disclaimerthe clavicle weights may become an issue with very long hairs and as a result cause clipping or mesh tearing. If this is an issue, obviously then forget about clavicle weights.

If you have any issues or confusion about this, please shoot me a DM and I’ll happily help you out!
