3D Avatar je digitalna oseba, kopijo sebe, ki jo lahko ustvarite, da se predstavljate na internetu. In the future it will become your new business card.

Send us a simple picture of your face.
[3d_viewer id=’268′]
We will prepare a 3D upodobitev vašega doprsja.
[3d_viewer id=’141′]
We will choose a 3D Avatar approximated to your physiology.
(3D Classic Avatar)
[3d_viewer id=’261′]
We will make a 3D Avatar that is the exact reproduction of yourself.
(Realističen 3D avatar)
According to your tastes we can also create other types of 3d Avatars such as manga, cartoon or half real and half fantasy. With different types of clothes and customizations for work or play.

Why do I need an Avatar? You can use your Avatar to try new looks, new clothes and new hairstyles, pokažite jih svojim prijateljem ali uporabite svoje 3D avatarje na svojem spletnem mestu za ustvarjanje digitalnih animacij, 3D klepeti ali igre.

Send a picture of your face and we will make your professional realistic 3D Avatar! Prenosljiv in uporaben na kateri koli platformi v formatu OBJ. Samo še danes v ponudbi $25 in s posebnim darilom! The Classic 3D Avatar rappresenting your self for free. Two 3D Avatars for the price of one!
Or contact us…
Enrico Cantori (CEO)
PHONE +39 0510827878
WHATSAPP +39 3427184676
EMAIL info@ecommerceoptimize.com
WEBSITE EcommerceOptimize.com
FACEBOOK Facebook.com/ecommerceoptimize